Monday, October 11, 2010

Course Outline

Day 1-2 - Matrix
  1. Introduction of Matrix
  2. Size of Matrix
  3. Determinants
  4. The transpose of a matrix
  5. Addition, subtraction and multiplication
  6. Cramer’s Rule
  7. Row Operation
  8. Inverse Matrix

Day 3-5 – Algebra
1.      Introduction of Algebra
2.      +, -, x, ÷ on simple polynomials.
3.      Factorising: Simplifying algebraic fractions.
       - factorising
      - difference of square
       - theorem
4. Transfer of model data to analysis programs.    
5. Solving one variable equations
  - to evaluate the value of the alphabetic terms
6. Partial fractions

nly when you are willing to work for something, harder than anyone else on this earth, does it deserve to be yours.