Monday, October 11, 2010

2. +, -, x, ÷ on simple polynomials.

Watch the videos below
a) Introduction to polynomials
b) Polynomial function
c) Adding and subtracting polynomials
d) Multiplying polynomials
e) Multiplying larger degree polynomial
f) Dividing polynomials using long division
g) Dividing polynomials using synthetic division

Try out the games below to boost up your confidence. Algebra is a very
abstract concept. Well, there is no harm trying the games and see what
is your level of understanding. Good Luck...
a) Easy algebra equations 
b) Equation buster

If you are still very weak in algebra, try out this
equation generator. It can generates a lot of equations
and answers are provided as well

  It's never too late to be what you might have George Eliot