Monday, October 11, 2010

6. Cramer’s Rule

1. View the video below under the topic Cramer's Rule
for matrices up to 3x3 (video part 12/14).

2. Then read Cramer's Rule for matrices up to 2x2.

3.Try out this quiz. How is it get going ? Need more quiz ? Well, then you
can try some of the quizzes listed below.
1. Cramer's Rule 1
2. Cramer's Rule 2
3. Cramer's Rule 3

3. If you are satisfied with your lesson. Do the self assessment
for matrix 2 x 2 now. Then do the self assessment for matrix 3 x3 .
Type your answer in Ms Words and send it back to the
facilitator (Ms Koh).

Tough times never last, but tough people do.
Dr. Robert Schuller

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.